Authors Title Number pdf

á Norði, G., Patursson, Ø. 2012. Influence of waves and current speed on resuspension of fish farm waste: Case study in Funningsfjørður, Faroe Islands. ICES CM 2012/Q:13 pdf

Í Homrum, E. 2012. The Effects of Climate and Ocean Currents on Faroe Saithe (PhD) Fróðskaparsetur Føroya. NVDRit 2012:01 pdf

Í Homrum, E., Hansen, B., Steingrund, P., Hátún, H. 2012. Growth, maturation, diet and distribution of saithe (Pollachius virens) in Faroese waters (NE Atlantic) Marine Biology Research, 8:3, 246-254.  

Jacobsen, J.A., Hansen, L.P., Bakkestuen, V., Halvorsen, R., Reddin, D.G., White, J., Ó Maoiléidigh, N., Russell, I.C., Potter, E.C.E., Fowler, M., Smith, G.W., Mork, K.A., Isaksson, A., Oskarsson, S., Karlsson, L., and Pedersen, S. 2012. Distribution by origin and sea age of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the sea around the Faroe Islands based on analysis of historical tag recoveries. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69: 1598-1608.  

Jensen, A. J., Ó Maoiléidigh, N., Thomas, K., Einarsson, S. M., Haugland, M., Erkinaro, J., Fiske, P., Friedland, K. D., Gudmundsdottir, A. K., Haantie, J., Holm, M., Holst, J. C., Jacobsen, J. A., Jensås, J. G., Kuusela, J., Melle, W., Mork, K. A., Wennevik, V., and Østborg, G. M. 2012. Age and fine-scale marine growth of Atlantic salmon post-smolts in the Northeast Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69, 1668-1677.  

Larsen, K.M., Hátún, H., Hansen, B. And Kristiansen, R, 2012. Atlantic water in the Faroe area: sources and variability. ICES Journal of Marine Science (2012), 69(5), 802–808. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fss028  

Larsen, K. M. H., Hansen, B., Mortensen, E., Kristiansen, R. 2012. Faroese standard sections 1988 - 2010. Havstovan nr. 12-02. Technical report. pdf

Mork, K. A., Gilbey, J., Hansen, L. P., Jensen, A. J., Jacobsen, J. A., Holm, M., Holst, J. C., Ó Maoiléidigh, N., Vikebø, F. B., McGinnity, P., Melle, W., Thomas, K., Verspoor, E., and Wennevik, V. 2012. Modelling the migration of post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Northeast Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69, 1616-1624.  

Mortensen, E., Larsen K. M. H., Hansen, B., Kristiansen, R., Østerhus, S. 2012. THOR ADCP Deployments in Faroese Waters 2011 - 2012. Havstovan nr. 12-03. Technical report. pdf

Mortensen, E., Larsen K. M. H., Hansen, B., Kristiansen, R., Østerhus, S. 2012. THOR ADCP Deployments in Faroese Waters 2010 - 2011. Havstovan nr. 12-01. Technical report. pdf

Payne, M. R., Egan, A., Fässler, S. M. M., Hátún, H., Holst, J. C., Jacobsen, J. A., Slotte, A., and Loeng, H. 2012. The rise and fall of the NE Atlantic blue whiting. Marine Biology Research 8: 475-487.  

Reddin, D. G., Hansen, L. P., Bakkestuen, V., Russell, I., White, J., Potter, E. C. E., Dempson, J. B., Sheehan, T., Maoileidigh, N. Ó., Smith, G. W., Isaksson, A., Jacobsen, J. A., Fowler, M., Mork, K. A., and Amiro, P. 2012. Distribution and metrics from historical tags recovered from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) at Greenland, from the 1960s to the present. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69, 1589-1597.  

Utne, K. R., Huse, G., Ottersen, G., Holst, J. C., Zabavnikov, V., Jacobsen, J. A., Oskarsson, G. J., and Nøttestad, L. 2012. Horizontal distribution and overlap of planktivorous fish stocks in the Norwegian Sea during summers 1995-2006. Marine Biology Research 8: 420-441.  

Zhai, L., Gudmundsson K., Miller P., Peng W, Guðfinnsson H., Debes, H., Hátún, H., White III G. N., Walls R. H., Sathyendranath, S., and Platt, T. 2012. Phytoplankton phenology and production around Iceland and Faroes. Continental Shelf Research, 37: 15-25.